HUD Spokesgal A Wee Bit Zealous in Spinning?
Remember the controversy a while back about HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson telling a Dallas audience he canceled a company's government contract because they criticized President Bush?
Well, the HUD Inspector General apparently has done a report on the the fallout from the whole affair, and the folks over at Think Progress say that HUD spokesgal Dustee Tucker (left) admits in the report to "making stuff up":
On May 2 or May 3, the Dallas Business Journal (DBJ) called Tucker and inquired whether the contractor incident in Jackson’s story actually happened. Tucker replied, “I can’t speak to a hypothetical, you know. You’re speaking about a verbal agreement.” But according to p. 17 of the HUD report, when asked if she had “made up” the “concept of a verbal agreement,” Tucker acknowledged she had: “Yes. I probably did when I responded to her.”
For those who haven't heard of Dustee before, Wonkette is apparently obsessed with her.
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