In Memoriam: Wash Post's Helen Dewar
Sad news over the weekend: longtime Washington Post Senate reporter Helen Dewar (left, with Sen. Jim Jeffords) died of breast cancer Saturday at age 70. Current and former Senate press secretaries (including yours truly) will recall Helen's kind voice, phoning in search of legislative gossip or a comment, an explanation of what was happening on the Senate floor, or a comment from the boss. She always strove to be fair and accurate, and you almost never head a fellow flack complain about her reporting. The Post's obit puts it well:
Tough on her editors as well as her sources, Ms. Dewar was an old-fashioned reporter whose clear prose and determination seemed almost anachronistic in an age of multimedia skills and self-promotion. A veteran of hallway stakeouts and midnight votes, she was reliable on deadline, developed authoritative sources and eschewed "gotcha" journalism, her editors said. Her scrupulous fairness earned her friends in both major political parties.
Our sincere condolences to her friends and family.
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