Bush War Room Vets Break Bread Before Going To War Against Each Other
Time's Mike Allen takes a look at the Bush-Cheney '04 communications war room veterans who will be squaring off against each other in the '08 cycle, including McCain's Steve Schmidt, Brian Jones, and Matt David; and Romney's Matt Rhoades, Kevin Madden, and Aaron Baer:
Just before Christmas, the pals had a Last Supper of steak and wine at the Caucus Room, a lobbyists' hangout just off Capitol Hill. "Half the people in this room will be unhappy in a year and a half," Ken Mehlman...told them...An attendee says Madden told several of his elders who are going to work for McCain, "I may take a chunk out of you. But at least you can say, 'Hey, I taught the guy everything he knows.'"
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