Conant Named RNC's Chief Flack for '08 Cycle
The Republican National Committee has named Alex Conant as their new press secretary. The news spread quick around-the-beltway and was received favorably by many in the press corps. This well-known and well-respected flackmeister -- especially by the regional reporters he has cultivated while in his post as a regional spokesman at the White House -- is expected to assume his duties around the first of the year. In his new role, Conant will report to Danny "two-times" Diaz and insiders tell PF his presence will have an immediate positive impact within the organization. Originally a Minnesota Twinkie, Conant joined the White House from Sen. John Thune’s office and has also flacked as the spokesman for the Office of Management and Budget. Another little known fact, Conant served some time as a wordsmith for then Sec. of Commerce Don Evans back when the poll numbers were still high. Good luck Alex ... Getter' Done! (Politico and Bulletin News)
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