Quote of the Week: Sefl Floats Like a Butterfly
The Hill tried to put the screws to the Terry McAuliffe, chairman of Hillary's presidential campaign, for sitting ringside at a recent prizefight in Las Vegas where McAuliffe was scene hob-knobbing with Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Jude Law, Spike Lee, Will Ferrell, and Denzel Washington (Hey! I thought Denzel was an Obama supporter). Not a cheap ticket ... but rather than get defensive about the legit inquiry, the ever-talented Tracy Sefl, McAuliffe's spokeswoman and former Wal-Mart Watcher totally diffused the situation with humor. Without hesitation, Sefl punched back, "He's a boxing fan and boxing fans caucus too," referring to Nevada's Democratic presidential caucus process. We want you and your stilettos in our corner Tracy!
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