January 21, 2008

Three Former Flacks Make Their Way Back-To-The-Beltway Promoting Article VI

31_multipart3f3_image001_2 PF has learned that three former Potomac Flacks, Reed Dickens, Ben Porritt, and Peter Watkins, are behind the promotion of a new film coming soon to a theatre near you.  The film, Article VI: Faith.Politics.America, is an intense discussion of the role of faith in politics and explores the history of religious tests in America.  Much discussed in political circles, the film debuted last week to standing room only crowds in Orange County, Atlanta, and Salt Lake City.  More screenings are planned this month across the country, including Washington D.C. (date and time to be posted soon).

Dickens, former White House Assistant Press Secretary, and Porritt, former Press Secretary to Maj. Leader Tom Delay, run a high-octane PR shop out in California called Outside Eyes.  Watkins, a media mogul and former Deputy Press Secretary to the First Lady and Spokesman in the Office of Media Affairs at The White House now lives in Salt Lake City and is the founder of Watkins Global Strategies.

Whether this is ploy to sell DVDs or not, it is smart marketing and lends an interesting story angle to a campaign season that is quickly becoming cliché.  Check out the film and the trailer at article6themovie.com. (PF Tipster)

About the Authors

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  • Matt Mackowiak - Site Manager
    Matt Mackowiak is a Washington, D.C. and Austin,TX-based Republican strategist and communications consultant and President of Potomac Strategy Group, LLC. In his career he has managed a winning Congressional campaign and worked in the U.S. Senate, at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, at a leading international PR firm, on a presidential campaign in Iowa and in White House presidential advance. Follow him on Twitter - @MattMackowiak

    Laura Gross - Contributor
    Laura Gross is currently president of Scott Circle Communications. She has served as deputy director of communications at the DNC, was Gov. Howard Dean's Communications Director and she worked in the press office at USAID during the Clinton administration. Her experience also includes time in the PR department of National Public Radio and she was part of Vice President Gore's advance team when he was in The White House.
    Follow her on Twitter: @ScottCircle

    Blain K. Rethmeier - Contributor
    Blain K. Rethmeier is currently the Senior Vice President for Public Affairs for the American Insurance Association (AIA). Rethmeier joined AIA from the White House where he served as Special Assistant to the President for Communications and directed communications for the National Economic Council and Homeland Security Council. Prior to joining the White House, Rethmeier served as Press Secretary for the Senate Judiciary Committee.
    Follow him on Twitter: @BlainR

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    Potomac Flacks Founder and Author Emeritus: Adam Kovacevich
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