Potomac Flacks Reaches 300,000 Lifetime Page Views!
Dear PF viewers / subscribers -
We here at Potomac Flacks greatly appreciate you reading our free blog, which is dedicated to chronicling the highs and lows and the comings and goings of Washington, D.C. communicators. Since the blog was launched on September 30, 2006, we have had over 300,000 lifetime page views. In the past week, we've had over 3,000 page views.
We are committed to continuing to deliver unbiased, bipartisan news on the blog. If you want to receive an update each morning, please subscribe to our feed with your email address on the right side of the homepage.
As always, we love to receive tips (anonymity guaranteed!) and you can reach us via email (our addresses are listed in our bios on the right side of the homepage).
Thanks again!
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