PotomacFlacks Passes 600,000 Lifetime Page Views!
We are delighted to announce that our site, Potomac Flacks, has surpassed 600,000 lifetime page views. We passed the half million mark earlier this year (on Feb. 3, 2011).
We must thank you, our loyal audience, for your support of our site.
As you know, Potomac Flacks was created to provide, in one place, the comings and goings, the highs and lows and the quips of communicators in Washington, DC.
We will continue to provide you with news of flacks changing jobs, stories on trends in communications, job listings that we think may interest you and profiles. Our pledge remains that we will do this in a completely nonpartisan fashion.
As always, we need your tips to keep the content fresh. We love exclusives and can schedule postings as need, or keep anonymous from whom we receive information.
This site is the brainchild of Adam Kovacevich (@AdamKovac), a former Democratic communicator on Capitol Hill who now works at Google in DC, who created the site in 2006. He turned it over to Republican communicator and consultant Matt Mackowiak in September 2009.
To date, we have posted 1,631 blog posts since this blog's creation and we are not slowing down.
Please consider following us on Twitter -- @PotomacFlacks. Please post our website address on your Twitter and Facebook pages so that your friends may become aware of our site.
Should you wish you receive the morning email feed, sent around 8am ET every day, please subscribe on our home page.
We sincerely thank you for your support and now it's on 700,000!
Matt Mackowiak (@MattMackowiak)
Blain Rethmeier (@BlainR)
Laura Gross (@ScottCircle)
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